Saturday, February 23, 2008

Asides - Playing Catch Up

This blog began with the posting of images scanned from our collection of postcards. Well, finances be damned, the collecting didn't stop and here are some newer cards of actresses already featured in previous posts. They are in no particular order, but I hope you enjoy them. If you are a first time visitor, be sure to click the labels on the right to see and learn more about these actresses.

Another image explaining Errol Flynn's inability to resist this French native.

Ok, so I'm in love with Edwina Booth. Here is another image from Trader Horn.

Another image of the "American Venus".

Here is Lupe in a scene from "The Storm", where she is trapped in a cabin with two men who fight over her. Using the skirt to keep from burning her hands probably didn't help the rivalry.

Born in August of 1910 and still going strong.

There is a wonderful article about Sally Phipps in the latest New York Times T Magazine. It is entitled "The Flapper Doesn't Change Her Spots".

A wonderful image of Ms. Sidney.

Never one to overdress.


The Siren said...

wasn't the Sally Phipps article great? But now I wonder if you competed with her son for that postcard! It is particularly beautiful.

Operator_99 said...

I wondered that myself, but pretty sure his collection of Phipps ephemera outstrips mine by a large margin and probably includes that card as well as many others.